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Autumn 1

We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Outdoor Learning 

Today, we have begun to explore our outdoor learning environment. At Woodland, we have lots of amazing outside provision to enhance our learning. As you can see, we have had lots of fun playing and learning along side our friends. 


This week in mathematics, we have started to explore the unit Match, Sort and Compare, which has involved lots of practical learning opportunities. We have thought carefully about those objects that are the same and those that are different, providing some explanations why.

Exploring Our New School

This afternoon we explored our new school and met some of the adults that work there. We met Neville one of our school caretakers who told us about his role at school and his jobs which included locking and unlocking the gates, setting furniture up in he hall and helping teachers with lots of jobs in their classrooms. We looked into the large hall where will have our PE lessons, looked at our library, our castle area and our forest school. We met Mrs Bradley who is our safeguarding lead and she told us her job is to keep us safe at school. We then looked in the office and learned that the office staff have a very important job to keep our school organised and collect money for lots of different school activities. Finally, we visited Mrs Cunningham in her office and where she told us about her important jobs in school which included keeping everyone safe, making sure the teachers have everything they need and make sure our learning is fun!

Painting Portraits

As part of the project 'Let's Explore', children in Reception have been painting self portraits. They used mirrors to look at the features of their faces and talked about the colour of their skin, eyes and hair.