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Woodland Community Primary School home page

Community & Family Support

Our Family Support Team

Our Offer


We have a dedicated team to support the children and families at Woodland Community Primary.

Mrs Bradley and Miss Williams are often the first point of contact for parents and carers who are encountering difficulties.  We provide a listening ear and a great deal of support to those in need and we can signpost our families to more specialist help if necessary. In addition to working with our families, our pastoral team run a number of interventions to support the personal, social and emotional development of some of our pupils.





Sensory Circuit Breakfast Club


For identified children who sometimes find transitioning into school a little challenging, we offer a sensory circuit breakfast club in our small hall , a dedicated intervention and inclusion space.  Mrs Bradley and Miss Williams will provide a warm welcome and a friendly face on the rainiest of mornings. It encourages the children to interact with children of different ages, take turns and develop their social skills whilst ensuring that the first part of the school day is relaxed. The sensory activities provide active, physical and fun activities for the children.



Working in Partnership with Parents


We provide a number of courses for our parents and carers in partnership with Rochdale local authority.


Webster Stratton - the Incredible Years Programme


RCT - Respectful Relationships


RCT - Positive Parenting Course


Family Learning