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Transient Art


There are many enjoyable and simple art activities to explore in the comfort of your home. In the Orchard, we prioritise open-ended art activities, emphasising the process over a specific outcome. This approach affords your child the creative freedom without the burden of producing a predetermined design or object. Through this method, we can delve into the different areas of art such as colour, texture, shape, space, and position.


Transient art is particularly suited for home-based activities and offers a relatively tidier alternative to other painting activities.


We have provided a brief video that explains the concept of transient art, along with a selection of innovative ideas tailored for home. 


Transient Art Video

Junk Modelling


Junk modeling, also known as junk art or recycled art, is a creative and eco-friendly form of art that involves using discarded or recyclable materials to create art or three-dimensional objects. It's a process that encourages resourcefulness, imagination, and sustainability.


Here's how junk modeling typically works:


  1. Collecting Materials: To start a junk modeling project, gather various materials that are typically considered waste, such as cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, old newspapers, bottle caps, egg boxes, fabric scraps, and other items that might otherwise end up in the bin.

  2. Imagination and Creativity: The key to junk modeling is to envision how these discarded materials can be transformed into something new and artistic. Children, in particular, can use their creativity to imagine and plan what they want to build.

  3. Assembling the Artwork: Once they have a vision, they start cutting, shaping, and assembling the collected materials into their chosen design. This can include making sculptures, buildings, robots, animals, and more. It's a hands-on, DIY process that encourages problem-solving and fine motor skills. Within the Orchard, the children are adept to using a range of tools such as scissors and sellotape to fix and secure the different materials. 

  4. Decorating and Personalizing: After the basic structure is created, artists can add paint, markers, fabric, or any other materials to decorate and personalise their creation. This stage allows for further artistic expression. 

  5. Showcasing the Art: The finished junk modeling projects can be proudly displayed or used for play, as the materials used are typically safe and non-toxic. This art form provides a sense of accomplishment and often fosters an appreciation for recycling and sustainability. Our children will often bring home examples of their junk modelling creations to share with their parents and carers. 


Junk modeling not only encourages creativity and resourcefulness but also promotes environmental awareness. It teaches the value of repurposing materials, reducing waste, and thinking outside the box when it comes to creating art. 


Junk Modelling Ideas