Autumn 1
WC 16.10.2023
On Thursday 19th of October we took part in our first famous figures day of the year. We were focusing on Michael Churm, who visited our school in September, and other paralympic athletes. We learnt about the athletes, took part in goal ball in the hall and other blindfolded activities.
WC 09.10.2023
This week Aspen Class got stuck in with Design and Technology. We first had to learn which tools to use for different tasks before the children got to practice themselves. They chopped, peeled, mashed, mixed, grated and spread. Now they have all the skills they need to apply to different recipes in the next few weeks.
WC 25.09.2023
This week the Year 2 children completed lots of learning around number lines in mathematics. On Tuesday's lesson the children worked in groups to estimate the position of different numbers on number lines. The children looked at the values at the start and end points of the number line and decided the position of different numbers.
WC 18.09.2023
This week Hawthorn class took part in Geography. The children were collecting data to answer the question ‘How many different vehicle types travel past our school?’ The children were taken outside to a safe space so they could observe the passing vehicles and collect the data. Back in the classroom, we worked together to analyse the children’s data and they were encouraged to draw conclusions and answer questions about it using the Data collection question sheet.
WC 11.09.2023
This week Birch class started their 'Remarkable Recipes' project in Design and Technology. The children were provided with a range of tools used for preparing and cooking food. The children investigated the features of each tool and thought about what each one might be used for and its properties that make it suitable for this purpose. The children attempted different tasks, under supervision, using the tools provided and selected which tool worked best.
WC 04.09.2023
This week all of the Year 2 children went outside to see something exciting that Mr Escobar had seen. We were amazed to see the remnants of a spaceship crash! When we got back into the classroom we discussed what we had seen and wrote questions that we could ask the spaceship's owner.