Autumn 1
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Week Commencing 17th October 2022
This week we have continued our phonics learning and now have been taught an additional 4 letters (graphemes) and their sounds (phonemes). Our new letters and sounds are h, f, l and b. In maths, we have looked at how to represent numbers to 3. In English, we have been looking at We're Going On A Bear Hunt as our class book. We have explored all the different areas from the story though role play and creating fantastic story maps. Some of us innovated this popular story with a different animal to hunt. It has been such a fun week!
Timestable Rockstars 7th October 2022
The children today got to dress up as a Rockstar as part of our schools Timestable Rockstar Day. It was so much fun rocking out and seeing everyone in fantastic outfits.
Week Commencing 3rd October 2022
This week we have continued our phonics learning and now have been taught an additional 4 letters (graphemes) and their sounds (phonemes). Our new letters and sounds are g, o, c and k. In maths, we have looked at sorting and identifying objects based upon their height and size. In English, we have continued to focus on our whole class book Hickory Dickory Dog, looking at and writing the initial sounds in words. In Topic, we have continued to explore through looking at Heywood today and what it was like in the past. This week, we also got to dress up as a Rockstar as part of our whole school Timetables Rockstar day.
Week Commencing 26th September 2022
This week we have continued our phonics learning and now have been taught 8 grapheme, phoneme correspondences. We now know s, a, t, p, i, n, m and d. In maths, we have looked at matching objects and sorting items into groups based on their properties i.e. big, small, shape and colour. This linked with our project work, which was identifying animals and sorting them into groups based upon where they live (habitats). In English we have read a new whole class text Hickory Dickory Dog and have been looking at words that rhyme.
Week Commencing 19th September 2022
This week we explored our school through small tours and have begun to recognise other adults within setting. We have also started phonics, looking at the introduction of s, a, t, p. We have begun to recognise these letters (graphemes) and the sounds they make (phonemes) as well as identifying initial sounds within words through matching exercises. In maths, we are strengthening our knowledge of numbers to 5 through songs and subitising.
Week Commencing 12th September 2022
This week we looked at Whiffy Wilson the wolf who wouldn't go to school. This book helped us to explore our own feelings and emotions about school. We also have continued to explore our areas of provision both indoors and outdoors. It was great fun playing on the castle and developing our hand eye coordination on the climbing wall.
Week Commencing 5th September 2022
We would like to say a massive thank you to all of our children who have settled into Woodland this week. We have been focusing on learning our school rules and getting used to daily routines. Everyone has been Amazing! In our classes we have listened to a range of stories, explored our provision areas and had fun making new friends.