Autumn 1
w/c 26/9/2022
This week in Year 2 we started our Remarkable Recipes project in Design and Technology. This project teaches the children about sources of food and tools used for food preparation. They also discover why some foods are cooked and learn to read and follow a simple recipe.
This week the children investigated the features of different tools that are used in cooking. They completed a carousel of activities using the the best tool for each job.
w/c 19/9/2022
This week in Year 2, we have started out Mix it! project within Art and Design. The children have been exploring how to make secondary colours using primary colours. The children really enjoyed making lots of different colours.
w/c 12/9/2022
In year 2, we were lucky to have a time traveler come to our school this week! The children were zoomed back in time to learn all about Christopher Columbus. The children took part in drama activities to help them remember lots of facts about Christopher Columbus. We then went forward in time to 1969 to learn all about Neil Armstrong. The children really enjoyed the morning and learnt lots of new facts!