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Autumn 2

Week Commencing Monday 18th December 2023 


As we go into our final week before the Christmas holiday the children have enjoyed taking part in some fun Christmas activities. On Tuesday we had the pantomine come to visit and perform Cinderella. The children absolutely loved watching this and specifically enjoyed shouting 'he's behind you at Buttons'. We then enjoyed a visit from Santa and even got a special present to take home. Finally we had lots of fun at our Christmas party! All of the year 1 team would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas!

Week Commencing: Monday 11th December 2023 


As we head closer to Christmas we have been none stop this week in Year 1! We started our new Mathematics topic on shape. We looked at the differences within 2D and 3D shapes and used our Phonics to identify these. We then played our shape bingo game and had so much fun shouting bingo if all of our shapes and colours has been called. In English we moved onto writing an acrostic poem! We created lots of different adjectives about Christmas and used these within our poem to make them all unique. We really enjoyed reading these back and seeing the differerent adjectives that each of our friends had used. In Science we looked at what it would be like to have a sensory loss and the role of having 2 eyes. We undertook a series of investigations where we had to be blindfolded and throw a beanbag to our peers. We then had to close our eyes and throw a beanbag into a circle. We quickly realised the importance of our eyes. 


Week Commencing: Monday 27th November 2023


In Mathematics this week we have been looking at our eight fact families. We used our existing knowledge of addition and subtraction number sentences to help us with knowing our eight fact families. We then moved onto adding and subtracting 1 or 2 from a number. For this it required us to learn an array of terminology to identify whether we had to subtract or add. In English we have continued with writing our narrative on 'Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge'. In Science we took part in an investigation involving our senses. We had to smell, taste, touch, see and hear different objects and guess what it was. We were very excited to do this and there was so much laughter, specifically when looking at the faces some of us pulled when smelling vinegar!!


Week Commencing Monday 20th November 2023 


We've had another busy week in year 1! We have continued to focus on our core text 'Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge' and have now started to write our narrative. We have used lots of exciting adjectives to make our writing even more descriptive. In Mathematics we have been focusing on subtracting. We started our week by subtracting using a part whole model and then moved onto subtracting from a number line. In Art we creating our very own puppets. We had to sew two pieces of materials together and then design them. We found the sewing a little bit tricky, but still had a lot of fun doing this.  


Week commencing Monday 13th November 2023

This week we in Mathematics we have been focusing on subtraction. We began my using concrete objects to identify the whole and then physically removed objects to identify the part. We then counted the objects that remained to find our new total. We advanced our learning by then using the part whole model to find a missing part within subtraction. In English we started to look at generating adjectives to describe our character Miss Nancy. We then wrote some fantastic character descriptions thinking about the way she looked and her personality. In PSHE we continued to look at the similarities and differences between ourselves and our partners.



Children in need

Today as a school we celebrated children in need, for this we were able to come to school wearing spots or pyjamas. We were informed on why we celebrate children in need and the importance of all coming together to support this amazing charity. We created some fantastic masks, drawings and wrote some informative sentences. We had so much fun coming together as a school and all of the children made such a fantastic effort.

The UK Military School


This term year 1’s enrichment consisted of the UK Military School coming in to do a workshop with all of the year 1 classes. This workshop linked to our Design and Technology project on Shade and Shelter. With the UK Military School the children looked at different military dens and learnt about how soldiers lived when out at war. The children were all then given the task to try and fit in these dens, where they had to work together as a team to complete the challenge. To end the session the children had to get inside one of the dens and had a surprise visit from their teachers, who were equipped with water guns. The children and adults genuinely had so much fun and we cannot thank the UK Military School enough for coming in to do this with us!

Week Commencing Monday 6th November 2023 


This week in year 1 we have been learning our number bonds to 10. We used concrete resources to help us understand our number bonds and visually see how these work systematically. In English we wrote an acrostic poem for remembrance day. We learnt all about remembrance day and why we celebrate it. We came up with some fantastic adjectives, which we included within our poem. In art we continued with our topic on Funny Faces and Fabulous Features. This week we created some fantastic collages. We had so much fun doing this! 



On Friday we took part in the TTRS Rockstar day. All of the adults were amazed with how fantastic the children looked and how much effort had been put into their outfits. We had a fun filled day and were also introduced to using our new Mathematic scheme on the iPads called Numbots. To end the day we even got to create our own rockstars!



This week we were introduced to our new topic on Funny Faces and Fabulous Features. We were challenged with creating our own self portraits. We had so much fun identifying our features and making sure we created portraits that looked like us. We then had to colour these in making sure we selected colours that represented ourselves. This lesson definitely made us giggle and we had lots of fun during it too!



To celebrate Halloween we created our very own Halloween masks. We had so much fun being creative with our ideas and making them our own. Some of us used a range of colours, tissue papers and patterns. 



In our Science lessons this week we have been introduced to our new topic on Human Senses. We began by talking about the features that human's have. We drew around one of our peers to form an outline and then generated ideas surrounding the body parts we have. We challenged ourselves by then describing where these body parts go. We had so much fun doing this!