Autumn 2
WB 11.12.2023
This week, we invited our families into school to watch us sing our Christmas songs. In Cherry Class, we sang 'Sparkle and Shine' from Nativity! We have been practicing this song ready to perform it and our adults loved it! We then took part in many different Christmas craft activities with our families. It was a very exciting morning!

WB 27.11.2023
This week, we have started our project ''Cook Well, Eatwell'' where our goal was to make our very own tacos in Design and Technology. First, we spent some time planning our tacos as we had to decide what we wanted to put in them, how we wanted them to look and we discussed health and safety rules. Then it was the exciting part where we made our tacos. We all had a go at cutting the vegetables very carefully. After the tacos had been cooked, we got to eat them - they were delicious! We then evaluated our tacos, explaining what we enjoyed and any changes we would make next time. We had a fantastic time!

WB 20.11.2023
In this week’s Military School session, Yew Class were researching the benefits and disadvantages of specific fruits and vegetables. The children used this information to decide whether they should include each fruit or vegetable within their smoothie next week. The children researched lots of interesting facts and they also carried out some physical activities to highlight the importance of being active and living a healthy lifestyle.

WB 13.11.2023
On Friday 17th November, we celebrated Children In Need day as a whole school. Our theme this year was ‘SPOTacular’, where the children could come to school wearing a spotty outfit or their Pudsey clothes. In the afternoon, Yew Class took part in lots of Pudsey related activities and learnt about why we raise money for Children in Need each year. Thank you for all your very kind donations for such a special cause!

Linking Project - M6 Theatre
WB 13.11.2023
This week, Cherry and Yew met with up with our linking school as part of Rochdale Schools Linking Network Programme. We met at the M6 Theatre Company and enjoyed watching 'Piper and Birtle' together. It was about two birds deciding to make it their home and soon their cosy nest contained two very precious eggs. The human world below was full of exciting ‘thingamajigs’ and as Birtle and Piper’s longing to provide for their eggs grow, very quickly, so did the clutter in the nest. It taught us that we don't always need everything we want. We loved meeting our new friends, playing games and taking part in some drama activities. We can't wait to meet up with our linking school again in the new year!

WB 06.11.2023
This week, Cherry Class set up a simple test to show how joints work. First, we drank some water out of our water bottles which was easy. Then we had to put a straight, plastic tube on our arm and drink but we found that it wasn’t possible. We then did this with a piece of string and plastic straws. This simple test showed us how the joints enable us to move and join different parts of the body together.

WB 30.10.2023
This week, Cherry Class have been learning about Prehistoric Pots. We began by looking different Bell Beaker Pots and discussing similarities and differences. We talked about what they were used for in the Bronze Age. Then we drew our own Bell Beaker Pots ensuring we added lots of patterns, like the ones we had discussed. Before making our own Bell Beaker Pots, we began by exploring the different techniques we can use when we work with clay. Then we had a go at creating different patterns on the clay using tools and natural objects, just like the people in the Bronze Age. Finally, we created our own Bell Beaker Pots. We felt very confident and we had so much fun!