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Autumn 2

WC: 3rd December 2023


As part of our Shang Dynasty at project all about taotie, year 5 followed instructions to create our own bronze casting. We used clay, shells and plaster to produce a taotie of our own.

WC: 20th November 2023

In History this week, Year 5 have been investigating how the Shang dynasty is similar and different to other Bronze Age civilisations such as the ancient Egyptians and Bronze Age Britain. The children went on a fact hunt to discover what was the same and what was different about these periods of history.

WC: 13.11.2023


In PSHE lessons, children have been discussing how we celebrate differences and treat everybody equally no matter our differences. This week, we discussed racism, what it is, how people feel if they are a victim of racism and what the consequences of racism are. Children create racism posters/badges to show how they have a zero tolerance for racism!

WC: 06.11.2023


This week, we took part in Young Writer's Poetry Competition where we had to write a poem about Remembrance Day. There was a variety of poems including rhyming and acrostic. All children who submit a poem will receive a bookmark and some children's poems will be published into a poetry book! 

WC: 30.10.2023


This week, children have enjoyed TTRS Day and Shang Dynasty / China Day! We dressed up as rockstars, practiced our times tables, played times table bingo during TTRS Day and on China Day, we created beautiful art work, learnt about zodiacs and took part in a drama workshop linked to the Shang Dynasty!