Autumn 2
This week the Christmas celebrations in Year 1 have begun!!
We have learned about the Christmas story in our R.E. lessons and discussed how we celebrate Christmas at home. We have also decorated our classrooms, including putting up our Christmas trees! We are very excited for the upcoming festivities and cannot wait for more to come over the next couple of weeks!
In our Art and Design lessons this half term we have been learning about portraits. We started by drawing our own self portraits and have now moved on to looking at a variety of different portraits created by artists.
In our lesson this week, we chose our favourite portraits from a selection to recreate. We used pencil, oil pastels and paints to recreate the portraits and they looked amazing when they were finished!
In our PE lessons this half term we have been using the equipment in the hall and focusing of different ways of travelling on and across the equipment. The children have shown great confidence and listening skills in these lessons, well done Year One!
In our Mathematics lessons we have been learning different methods of subtraction. We have explored how to use cubes, counters, Numicon, tens frames, crossing out and a number line.
We have been working with numbers within 10 and have been really successful!
World Cup
We have all chosen a country at random to support for the World Cup.
In Year 1 the countries we have chosen are:
Holly - Denmark
Beech - Brazil
Oak - Croatia
This week we have had the chance to learn about the countries, see what the flag looks like and make a craft linked to the country. We have had a great time!
We like...
This week we have been poets in Year 1. We have listened to a silly poem then created our own. We used an image to select different foods then thought about adjectives to describe the foods.
Children in Need
The children looked fantastic in their pyjamas and spots for Children in Need this year! As a school we managed to raise £400 for the important cause.
We are editors!
As we have returned after October half term we finished writing our narrative of 'Wilfrid Gordon McDonald Partridge'. The children then became editors where they used their green pens to correct punctuation, letter formation and spellings in their work ready to write their polished pieces.

Mondrian and Kandinsky Inspired Art work
This afternoon the children completed some Mondrian and Kandinsky inspired art work.
For the Mondrian pieces they used rulers to create their own designs. They used primary colours to fill the shapes they had created which linked to our colour knowledge from the Autumn 1 term.
For the Kandinsky pieces they drew different sized circles onto their quartered paper and used a variety of bright coloured oil pastels to colour them in.
The children's masterpieces were amazing which I am sure you will agree!
Fact Families
In our Mathematics lessons we have been exploring fact families. We have used Numicon and tens frames to explore different combinations to make the same total. We recorded the addition sums on our whiteboards, ensuring we were using the addition symbol and equals sign correctly.
Autumn 2
We have had a fantastic first week back in school and the children have been very excited to talk about their home celebrations of half term, Halloween and Bonfire night which has been lovely!