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Woodland Community Primary School home page

Early Help Neighbourhood Team

The Early Help Neighbourhood Team is a service working with children and young people to offer family support. It involves listening to you and your child to find out what you need and what is working well in your child's life.

We will help your child receive the right support at an early stage before their needs increase. As early help is a shared assessment, you and your child will not have to repeat the same story to different workers. The information you provide will only be shared with consent unless there is a risk to your child.

An action plan, agreed with you and your child is put into place to make sure your child gets the right sort of help. Early Help assessments are voluntary and you and your child can choose to be involved.

If you would like extra support for your child or family please contact the Heywood Team on

Tel: 01706 369889

Or you can email: