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06.07.2022 - Sports Trip to Newhouse Academy

17.06.2022 - Archbishop of York Award from St Anne's Academy


This week, the children have completed their Archbishop of York Award delivered by St Anne's Academy. Each child worked through the important values such as compassion and honesty and were really proud to receive a certificate. Well done Year 5!

Summer 1 - Young Voices 


This year, our school choir joined the Young Voices Choir in the Manchester AO Arena to be part of the show that they were doing for parents and the public. We had a fantastic time! 

Summer 1 - America Day 


As we have learnt all about America for the last two half terms we celebrated with an American Day where we came dressed in an American Style, made homemade healthy American burgers and learnt line dancing! We loved it! 

Summer 1 - Archbishop of York Young Leader Award 


As part of our Personal Development Pathway our Year 5 children are participating in The Archbishop of York Young Leaders Award. 


The Award has strong links to SMSC, British Values, PSHE, Character Education, Citizenship, and RE. The Award is a fully resources leadership and character education programme led by staff that come into school from St. Anne's Academy, Middleton. It supports and encourages children to become confident and resilient leaders, develop a growth mindset, become independent thinkers and good communicators and have compassion and care for their communities. 


We are currently taking part in: 'Journey of Discovery': 5 sessions that will be delivered in the Summer term.  

Summer 1 - Red Dragon Karate 


Within our unit assembly we had a visit from Red Dragon Karate Club. They showed us lots of Karate kicks and positions and some of us even got to practice some moves with the instructors! 

Spring 2 - Science Visit


The children in Year 5 visited a local secondary school to experience a practical Science lesson using a range of scientific equipment. They thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Bunsen burners and how to safely light them. They also had an opportunity to experiment with the different types of flames and how to correctly change these using the air flow valve on. The children were fascinated when they could hear the roaring flame!

Spring 2 - 


This week we have celebrated World Autism Acceptance Week 2022, celebrating 60 years of the Autism Association.  We have worked together with Rochdale Additional Needs Team to create paperchains for around our school that celebrate autism and all our children with autism. We have taken part in assemblies with other schools in Rochdale and lots of other activities focusing on the number 60! We have had a very special day today where we dressed in 60s style clothing or 6 different colours to show are awareness and acceptance of Autism at Woodland.

Spring 2 - Sublime Science Visit


This half term we look part in a science day with the 'Sublime Science' Company to embed our learning of 'Working Scientifically' within our Science curriculum. We took part in lots of different experiments, made sweets, mixed chemicals and even watched things exploded! We loved it!

Spring 2 - Science Week 


During Science week we focused on the theme 'Growth'. We went orienteering and learnt about different scientists and their wonderful discoveries. 

Autumn 2 - Art Day with Michelle Taube


We were luckily enough to spend two days with Michelle Taube, a Manchester based artist, who is also one of our school's Famous Figures. We worked along side Michelle to create a multi media collage art piece where we created paintings, pencil crayons and felt tip art pieces based on our topic 'Why is the History of London important?'. 


Look at the fantastic skills we learnt and the piece of art we produced!