Our trip to the Imperial War Museum
Learning about our artist famous figure - Jean Michel Basquiat
Wear it Green Day - Mental health awareness
The King's Coronation

The Economist Foundation
On Monday 15th May, a group of children from Year 6 were lucky to be invited to the KPMG offices to participate in a workshop held by The Economist Foundation. The children had a fantastic day delving into numeracy in the news and how articles can mislead their readers. The children had a fantastic day with their highlights including a tour of the offices and a view of Manchester's skyline from the 11th floor or the building.

Spring 2 - Comic Relief
Spring 2 - British Science Week
Spring 2 - World Book Day
Spring 1 - Big Green Poetry Competition
Today we took part in the ‘Big Green Poetry Machine competition where we read and performed poem and finally wrote our own free verse poem based on Climate change and it’s affects on the Polar regions of our planet.
Spring 1 - Frozen Kingdom
Today we had a Frozen Kingdom day, where we had a Frozen Kingdom workshop come into school to work with us, using Drama to enhance our understanding of the Arctic and Antarctic regions. We practiced drama techniques, took on roles from different polar expeditions and created freeze frames of polar activities.
Autumn 2 - Christmas Pantomime at Oldham Coliseum!
We had a fabulous time at the Panto in Oldham watching 'Robin Hood'. We laughed, we sang, we danced and most of all got in the Christmas Spirit!
Autumn 2 - Parent Christmas Craft 12.12.2022
We made fabulous Christmas tree decorations with our parents!
Autumn 2 - Famous Figure David Attenborough
Ae focused an afternoon learning about the life of David Attenborough. We researched his life and work and wrote a biography of him.
Autumn 2 - 2022 World Cup
in celebration of the 2022 World Cup, our children were all allocated a country that qualified for the tournament and spent time learning about the Geography in that country. In year 6, we learnt about Portugal, Spain and Uruguay.
Autumn 1 - International Slavery Museum, Liverpool
We had a great time at the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool learning more about Maafa in Britain and how Liverpool became one of the largest ports of Slavery in Europe. We had a tour with a tour guided explaining lots of information to us and completed an information hunt to help us with our History lessons after half term.
Autumn 1 ~ Famous Historical Figure Afternoon
This half term our Famous Figure is Queen Elizabeth II. We focused on the Queen in 1950s, learning about her Coronation in 1953.
Autumn 1 - Timestable Rockstar Day!
We had a great time today dressed as Rockstars and just look at how amazing we looked! We spent the afternoon battling each other on TTRS and finding out who the winning Rockstar was!
Autumn 1 ~ Crucial Crew 06.10.2022
We had the opportunity to visit Crucial Crew Rochdale 2022.Around 1,850 children from 47 schools attended the event which was held at Rochdale Athletic Football Club.
We took part in a range of fun interactive workshops from Greater Manchester Police, British Transport Police, Rochdale Housing, Your Trust, Dogs Trust and Travelsafe, and in each one we learnt some valuable safety lessons.
Autumn 1 ~ Red Dragon Karate
Within our unit assembly we had a visit from Red Dragon Karate Club. They showed us lots of Karate kicks and positions and some of us even got to practice some moves with the instructors!
Autumn 1
Visit from The Headteacher from Edgar Wood High School
Today, the Headteacher from Edgar Wood High School came to see us today to talk to us about what it is like at Edgar Wood. We looked at the school building, learnt about how a day at Edgar Wood works and what enrichment opportunities there are there.
Autumn 1
Robinwood Activity Centre 07.09.2022
Year 6 were lucky enough to start off their year with a residential visit to Robinwood Activity Centre in Alston, Cumbria. We had a fabulous time! We took part in canoeing, raft building, ziplining and wall climbing, to just name a few!