Teddy Bears Picnic

Beach Party
To launch our new project 'On the Beach', children in Reception had a beach party. The children came dressed for the beach with their hats, glasses and towels before having some fun in the sun! They built sandcastles, felt the sand in their toes, played in the water, had 'cocktails' from the 'bar', danced to the music and sunbathed! We had a fantastic afternoon!
Visit to Smithills Farm
The children in Reception were very excited to visit Smithills Farm. To support our project 'Ready, Steady, Grow', the children were able to see the animals in real life that we had been learning about. The children were able to meet lots of animals up close, ride a donkey, go on a tractor ride and watch the cows being milked.
The children all had a fantastic day and made all the adults very proud of their super behaviour on our first trip out of school!
Living Eggs
Linking with our project Signs of Spring, all of the children in Reception got to watch a set of chicks hatch. When they first arrived, we monitored them in their incubator making sure we kept them warm. After a few days, we noticed that the eggs were beginning to crack (hatch). After this, we were delighted to see the chicks begin to emerge out of their eggs. Some chicks took a little longer to come out than others. Once all the chicks had hatched, we transferred them into their new home where they could be fed and watered regularly. Having chicks in the classroom helped bring our learning to life. Although some of us were a little afraid to hold them at first, everyone had the opportunity to help care for them. Now the chicks have been returned back to the farm so they can continue their happy life.
Police Officer Visit
To enhance our learning, the children in Reception had a visit from a local Police Officer and PCSO. The children were very lucky to ask find out the answers to questions they had generated, try on the Police Officers uniform and sit in a police car!