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Spring Term

Throughout the Spring term, Cherry Class have been taking part in weekly sessions with the UK Military School. These sessions involve a range of fun activities which help to develop children’s team work and leadership skills. The children all participated successfully and were awarded a medal at the end of the course. They were very proud of themselves!


In Year 3, to finalise our ‘Rocks, Relics and Rumbles’ learning, we worked together as a group to create, build and paint our own volcanoes. As a year group, we then took our volcanoes outside and used fairy liquid, bicarbonate of soda, vinegar and food colouring to cause our volcanoes to ‘erupt’. We were all very excited and we loved seeing our volcanoes erupt!

Fire Safety Unit Assembly

In school, we have recently been supported with resources from Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue and have completed an assembly linked to fire safety. Through this, the children developed a better understanding of what to do in an emergency, whether that be in the house or outside. Children learnt to "Stop, Drop and Roll" if they are in fire difficulties and to call 999 if there is an emergency. 


Anti-Bullying Unit Assembly

The children in Year 3, 4 and 5 took part in an Anti-Bullying assembly as part of Anti-Bullying week. We discuss what the term 'bullying' meant and how this might look. We discussed how this might make others feel both physically and mentally. Together, we shared ideas about what we could do to support other children who may be being bullied and we all created an 'Act of Kindness' pledge. 

Autumn Term

Throughout the Autumn term, Yew Class have been taking part in weekly sessions with the UK Military School. These sessions involve a range of fun activities which help to develop children’s team work and leadership skills. The children really look forward to the sessions and have lots of fun taking part!

WB 09.10.2023

This week, we had a very exciting day learning all about the Stone Age. We had some very special visitors who came in to school to teach us lots of things about the Stone Age.  We had the chance to take part in lots of practical activities such as weaving, making butter, building shelters, making bracelets and we even got to try on some 'Stone Age' clothes.