30.01.25 - Thursday morning mindful movements for Birch class
Mindful Movements Yoga for Aspen
A lovely way to end 2024 in Birch class - The Grinch and popcorn!
19.12.2024 - Christmas jumper and Christmas dinner day!!! We even got a visit from Father Christmas who gave each of us a early Christmas present!
Christmas Panto 2024!
Christmas Crafts in Aspen
18.12.2024 - A fabulous morning of Christmas crafts in Birch class. Thank you to all the parents and careers that came.
Reindeer run year 2 - 10.12.24
Mindful movements with Birch class - 26.11.2024
Children in need 15.11.2024
Odd Socks Day- Anti Bullying Week
Halloween Pumpkin Crafts!
Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day!
To celebrate children’s mental health awareness day, the children completed activities that make us smile, such as making badges for each other, expressing something we like about that person.