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Blind Side Workshop for Year 6 - tackling themes of violence against women and girls.

World Mental Health Day

Autism Acceptance Week 

On week beginning Monday 27th March to Friday 31st March, it was Autism Awareness Week. During the week we celebrated and raised awareness for Autism through assemblies, PSHE lessons and activities linked to the National Autism Society’s theme of ‘colour’. As a result of this, on Friday 31st March the children and staff dressed in one block colour (all in red, all in blue etc). We had a great time and raised awareness for this important cause. 

Children in Need

Friday was Children in Need Day. We raised awareness by dressing in spots or pyjamas. We raised money by all donating £1 to the cause. We made £405. Well done!


BBC Children in Need is a fundraiser and grant giver. That means that we ask the public to raise and donate lots of money so that we can make a difference to disadvantaged children and young people in communities right across the UK.


This reinforces the importance of community and how we can be valuable members.

Red Nose Day 

"Why was the world's best footballer always told to tidy his room? Because it was always Messi!". The theme for Red Nose Day for Comic Relief was 'Funny is Power!'. Woodland got 'funny for money' by wearing silly socks and entering a joke competition to raise money for Comic Relief. We used assemblies and PSHE lessons to learn about the important work that Comic Relief does for children in the UK and round the world. 

 Children's Mental Health Week - This week marks the all important Children's Mental Health Week associated with Place2be. The theme this year is 'Growing Together' in which children and schools across the UK will take part in a range of activities centered around each person's personal growth. Throughout this week, the children at Woodland will take part in a range of activities such as 'Reach for the Stars' where the children set goals and aspirations and 'Step by Step' where the children will look carefully at the skills they have learned and the steps they took to get there. Wrapping up this week, the children will take part in our final activity 'Grow Your Own Way' where they will each be able to plant their own seed and watch it grow, taking care of it every day as we encourage them to do the same with their own mental health. We hope you enjoy some of these wonderful pictures! 



Crucial Crew

Today, Year 6 went on a trip into Rochdale to visit Crucial Crew. The children participated in activities alongside professionals such as nurses, police officers and transport police to delve into themes of keeping safe in the world outside of school. The children learned all about staying safe online and on the streets, looking in the importance of road safety when playing out with their friends.