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Throwing and Catching - Spring 1

This week, our EYFS children were focusing on rolling skills using a tennis ball. The children did a fantastic job of rolling the ball from side to side in a variety of ways (even balancing on their bellies!) huge well done EYFS!

Throwing and Catching - Spring 1

This week, our children in EYFS focused on sliding and pushing techniques. They had to focus on sliding and pushing the bean bag with one hand and try to get it to reach the target in front of them! We continued with our amazing teamwork skills by high fiving our friends after our turn and making our way to the back of the line for our next turn. Well done EYFS!

Throwing and Catching - Spring 1

This half term, children in EYFS are going be focusing on improving and practicing their throwing and catching skills! We are going to learn lots of skills using a variety of different equipment.

Lesson 3 - Rolls!

During Lesson 3, EYFS explored rolling on the mats for the first time. They were able to make a variety of body shapes and worked really hard to roll across the mat in a straight shape. Well done EYFS!

Lesson 2 - Gymnastics

In our second lesson, this week EYFS explored a range of jumps on the mats. They performed a tuck, pencil and star jump! Well done EYFS, fantastic work!

Autumn 2 - Gymnastics - Lesson 1

In lesson 1, we started our new topic which is Gymnastics! EYFS did a fantastic job at performing a range of Gymnastic shapes and we practiced taking turns and high fiving our friends. Well done! 

Lesson 5 - Throwing & Catching skills

In PE this week, EYFS explored basic throwing and catching skills for the first time. They managed to use a cradle technique with their hands and perform mini throwing and catching skills individually and with a partner! Well done EYFS! Fantastic work.

Lesson 4 - Driving!

This week in PE, EYFS developed our Traffic Lights skills from week 2 and pretended to drive a car with a hula hoop, this is a fantastic activity to develop and strengthen our shoulder & arm muscles. Well done EYFS!!

Lesson 3 - Balancing

In today's PE lesson, EYFS worked on their balancing skills. We used a beanbag and placed it on different body parts, keeping it balanced, whilst trying to move around the room. This was a tricky skill, well done EYFS!

Lesson 2 - Traffic Lights!

Our fantastic children in EYFS had their second PE lessons with Miss Birch. All three classes: Plum, Apple and Mulberry participated in a variety of games focusing on traffic lights and could recognise the red, yellow and green colours. Well done EYFS! 

Lesson 1 - Finding a space

Our fantastic children in EYFS started their PE lessons with Miss Birch. All three classes: Plum, Apple and Mulberry participated in a variety of games focusing on finding a space. Well done EYFS!