The Meadows Rationale
What are the aims of the SEND provision at Woodland Community Primary School?
Woodland is an inclusive school, where all of the teachers adapt their teaching and therefore learning using Quality First teaching.
The Meadows is a bespoke specialist provision unit that caters for pupils within Year 6 with significant special educational and learning needs and disabilities. Pupils are selected to work within The Meadows on a needs basis. Provision within The Meadows follows the whole school curriculum offer and is adapted to meet the needs of pupils who need a high level of differentiation.
Within The Meadows, all of the teachers and teaching assistants support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Our aims are:
- To deliver an inclusive curriculum that is engaging, safe and fun for all.
- To ensure that every pupil with special educational needs and/or disabilities make the best progress possible.
- To foster and promote effective working partnerships with parents and carers, pupils and outside agencies.
- To listen to the voice of all pupils.
The Meadows Provision
The Meadows provision is broad and balanced, enabling all pupils to understand the relevance and importance of an appropriate education. This promotes self-esteem and confidence that leads to all pupils making progress. The Meadows is led by the school’s Inclusion Lead.
Teachers use a wide range of strategies to meet pupil’s needs. Lessons have clear learning challenges and steps to success and differentiated appropriately and assessed to inform the next stage of learning.
The curriculum and learning environment may be adapted by:
- Small groups that target specific levels of progress.
- Differentiated resources and teaching styles.
- Appropriate choice of texts and topics to suit the learner.
- Access arrangements for tests and examinations.
- Additional adult support.
- Tailored interventions lead by adults bespoke to the pupil’s needs.
The Meadows will utilise recommendations from external agencies (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapists, Rochdale Additional Needs Service).
How will my child be included in activities outside of The Meadows including educational visits and Sports Day?
Pupils within The Meadows continue to be linked to a registration class. Pupils will spend parts of their day with their registration classes to ensure that the school continues to be inclusive of a range of need within the cohort. Children may access their registration classes through:
- Class registers and Morning Work.
- Physical Education.
- Music.
- Enrichment activities.
- Sports Day.
All pupils within The Meadows will have the opportunity to review their time within provision. This will be completed in collaboration with the Inclusion Team and parents/carers. This will be adapted to meet the individual needs of each pupil.
The provision in The Meadows will include:
- Canopy and Campfires
- Military School
- Forest School
- Duke of Edinburgh Award
- Outdoor Learning provision