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Meditation and relaxation practices offer an excellent means of engaging various senses while allowing your child to unwind and concentrate on a shared experience. Videos to support meditation for children are easily accessible from YouTube. Some of our favourites are shared below:

Butterfly Hug! 6-Minute Self-Soothing Meditation For Children Using The Butterfly Hug Technique.

Feeling overwhelmed? Big emotions taking over? Learn to self-soothe with Lani and your magical butterfly friend, using the butterfly hug technique in this mystical, calming meditation. What is the "Butterfly Hug" technique? Sometimes known as "butterfly tapping", the "butterfly hug" technique uses bilateral stimulation as a self-soothing tool to help manage strong feelings in times of distress.

I Am Lovable! 4 Minute Self Love Positive Affirmations Meditation for Kids And Classrooms

We celebrate a very important kind of love in this quick, calming, meditation with positive affirmations... Self love!! What are the benefits of positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are known to reduce anxiety, reprogram negative subconscious thoughts, boost self-esteem, and promote positivity. Follow us on Instagram!

Rise and Shine! 5 Minute Gratitude & Positive Affirmations Morning Meditation for Kids & Classrooms

Start your day off with gratitude and positivity with this quick, mindful, guided morning meditation for kids, students and classrooms! Welcome to BrightenUp! Kids, we provide free meditations and mindfulness content for children of all ages! Follow us on Instagram! Your support means the world to us!