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URGENT Advice on managing children's illness through winter

Please see below a message from Rochdale Council about advice on managing children's illness through winter


Good afternoon,


We are seeing a huge spike in the number of young children presenting at the GP or A and E. As the cold weather approaches, so do a range of coughs, colds and sickness bugs and viruses. It can be a worrying time for parents and carers when caring for a sick child and we have developed a website and booklet which gives advice on how to care for your child with an acute illness, when you need to seek medical advice and when to be worried. It’s a really helpful resource that we need to share with as many parents and carers as possible to help them through this difficult time.


The link to the Common Childhood Illnesses Website can be found here. Please share as widely as you can.


With sincere thanks for all your support in keeping our pupils safe and well.