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Our Learning

Week Commencing Monday 30th September 2024


This week we have enjoyed learning about greater than, less than and equal to. We used the crocodile symbols to support our understanding with this. We then moved onto ordering numbers where we were given numicon to order from smallest to largest. In English, we enjoyed writing instructions about how to make a cup and ball. We used time connectives to describe the process and we look forward to making them!

Week Commencing Monday 23rd September 2024


This week we have enjoyed further exploring The Naughty Bus. We found a letter explaining he had got lost, so we went to rescue him from the pond. We then wrote about his journey using 'and' and adjectives. We were amazing at this and our focus has been using capital letters, finger spaces and full stop. We were able to sit our letters on the line so that our presentation was beautiful. 

Week commencing Monday 16th September 2024


This week we have enjoyed continuing with numbers within ten. We used tens frames and counters to make numbers within ten and was able to give some number bonds within 10. We enjoyed our lesson in Art where we used primary colours to make secondary colours. We used smaller paint brushes to ensure we could be as neat as possible. As you can see, these looked amazing!

Week commencing Monday 9th September 2024


Our first Woodland Week was amazing! We enjoyed exploring lots of different projects across the week. We was introduced to our new text 'The Naughty Bus'. We enjoyed making predictions of what we thought the story was about. In Mathematics, we enjoyed representing numbers to ten. We used concrete resources to make a variety of numbers and this helped us with our understanding.