Our Learning
Week Commencing: Monday 13th January 2025
This week Year 1 took part within a royal tea party. This linked to our driver Bright Lights Big City. During this we designed our own tea party invitations, made crowns and enjoyed some tasty treats. We had so much fun being Woodland royals for the day!
Week Commencing: Monday 6th January 2025
This week year 1 entered another busy week as we welcomed the children back from their Christmas break. In English we started our new core text called 'Katie in London'. By the end of the week the children were very knowledgeable regarding the landmarks within London and showed great enthusiasm in learning different facts about each of them. In Mathematics we also entered a new topic of Place Value within 20. Within this the children were introduced to tens and ones within a variety of 2 digit numbers. As the snow fell we took it upon ourselves to go and investigate the seasonal changes which linked nicely to our Science lessons. We've had so much fun being back at school this week and enjoyed seeing all of our friends again!
Christmas Dinner Day
Today the festivities continued with a welcomed trip from Santa and our annual christmas dinner. We enjoyed an early christmas dinner with our friends and teachers followed by a delicious desert. Year 1 is well and truly in Christmas mode!
Christmas Craft
With Christmas week in full force we welcomed our families in for our annual Christmas Craft. We loved singing, laughing and crafting with our adults and had so much fun making memories. We already cannot wait to do this again next year!
Week beginning: Monday 9th December 2024
Year 1 have entered another busy week as Christmas quickly approaches. We started our week by beginning our new topic of shape within Mathematics. The children were able to recognise and sort both 2D and 3D shapes and further identify these within objects. In English we wrote our very own Christmas acrostic poem ensuring that we used a variety of adjectives throughout. We loved getting creative with this and using our extensive knowledge to generate these. In our foundation subjects we completed our Science project on Human Senses. To end our topic we looked at the importance of our eyes. We closed our eyes and threw a beanbag into a target spot. We quickly realised how difficult this was and how important our eyes are.
Week beginning: Monday 18th November
This week we have continued to look at our core text 'Wilfrid Gordon' and have started to write our narratives. Within these pieces of writing we have worked hard to use a variety of adjectives and conjunctions and have further been trying really hard with our handwriting. Our teachers have already seen such a huge difference in our letter formation and cannot wait to see us continue to get better at this throughout the year. In Mathematics we have still been looking at our addition and subtraction topic and have started to look fact families relating to subtraction. In our foundation lessons we have continued to widen our knowledge within our History driver on Childhood in the 1950's. Our lesson this week consisted of completing a partner task where we had to identify how the 1950's were different to the world we live in today. We have had such a busy week, but we have had so much fun along the way!
Week beginning Monday 4th November 2024
We have returned to school with such enthusiasm after the half term break. We have started lots of new projects which has been so exciting - including 'Human Senses' in Science.
The children enjoyed labelling parts of the body using one of our peers to help us. In Mathematics we have continued to explore number bonds to ten, we have used lots of concrete resources to help us prove our answers.
Times Table Rockstar Day
On Friday 18th October we enjoyed Times Table Rockstar Day. We absolutely loved dressing up as rockstar's and spending time on Numbots practicing our addition and subtraction skills. What a fun day we had enjoying celebrating Mathematics!
Week beginning Monday 14th October 2024
This week we have moved onto learning about the 'part-whole model' in Mathematics. we have used our templates to find the number bonds and by the end of the week we were able to write the number sentences to match! We have found this tricky but we were so resilient and haven't given up. In English we have created an acrostic poem, we used some super adjectives to describe the events of bonfire night.
Parent Showcase
On Wednesday we were able to invite our parents into school for our parent showcase. Within this our adults were able to look at all of our wonderful work that we have produced over the past half term. Our adults were blown away by how much we have achieved in such a short space of time. We cannot wait to welcome then into our classroom again soon!
Week Commencing Monday 30th September 2024
This week we have enjoyed learning about greater than, less than and equal to. We used the crocodile symbols to support our understanding with this. We then moved onto ordering numbers where we were given numicon to order from smallest to largest. In English, we enjoyed writing instructions about how to make a cup and ball. We used time connectives to describe the process and we look forward to making them!
Week Commencing Monday 23rd September 2024
This week we have enjoyed further exploring The Naughty Bus. We found a letter explaining he had got lost, so we went to rescue him from the pond. We then wrote about his journey using 'and' and adjectives. We were amazing at this and our focus has been using capital letters, finger spaces and full stop. We were able to sit our letters on the line so that our presentation was beautiful.
Week commencing Monday 16th September 2024
This week we have enjoyed continuing with numbers within ten. We used tens frames and counters to make numbers within ten and was able to give some number bonds within 10. We enjoyed our lesson in Art where we used primary colours to make secondary colours. We used smaller paint brushes to ensure we could be as neat as possible. As you can see, these looked amazing!
Week commencing Monday 9th September 2024
Our first Woodland Week was amazing! We enjoyed exploring lots of different projects across the week. We was introduced to our new text 'The Naughty Bus'. We enjoyed making predictions of what we thought the story was about. In Mathematics, we enjoyed representing numbers to ten. We used concrete resources to make a variety of numbers and this helped us with our understanding.