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Our Learning

Art and Design - Warp and Weft 

As part of our 'Warp and Weft' project, we worked together to describe and explore different pieces of yarn. We discussed the colour, appearance, shape, texture, elasticity and shape. We then learnt how to weave on a mini loom using warp and weft and created our own pieces of material. 


PE - Gymnastics

In year 4, the children are learning different skills this half term such as shapes, rolls and combining movements and balances collaboratively. The explore ways to safely perform the movements required and work together to create routines using a range of shapes, rolls and balances. 


Science-  Investigation into the effectiveness of toothpaste in preventing tooth decay.

In year 4 the children are learning about food and the digestive system in Science which includes looking at teeth and how to keep teeth. This investigation used eggs to represent teeth as their shells are made from a similar material.  The vinegar we soaked them in model the effect of acid on tooth enamel.  We put toothpaste on one egg and nothing on the other and left them for 24 hours to see the results….

Art and Design - Warm and Cool Colours 

In art we have been continuing our exploration of colour theory by looking at warm and cool colours. We used the watercolours to mix and create our own warm and cool colours.  We then thought of some names for the different colours we created.  We came up with names such as 'Sailor blue', 'cherry red', 'sunlight orange' and 'bottle green'.  

Design Technology - Fresh Food, Good Food

As part of our project of “Fresh Food, Good Food,” we explored ways to keep food fresh and the different packaging that is used. We then planned, prepared and tasted a range of healthy snacks.  Within this session we had to consider the snack texture, taste, what makes it healthy and would we take this snack to school? We made our own hummus and tasted this using cucumber, celery and carrots. We then looked at a range of fruits including pineapple, kiwi, strawberries, grapes and blueberries. We used these fruits to design, make and evaluate our own fruit kebabs and then created packaging that would keep it fresh.

Invasion - What happened in the 600 years after the Roman withdrawal? 

Today we explored what happened in the 600 years after the Roman withdrawal. We used the timeline that shows the periods of invasion and settlement in England by different groups in the early Middle Ages to match the question to the relevant answer.  We then fed back as a whole class to see if our findings were correct.

Mathematics - Place Value 

Today the children worked together to explore how to to flexibly partition a 4-digit number using base 10 to see how many ways they could flexibly partition. We discussed how we can partition the same number in many different ways and proved this using a range of different resources such as base 10 and arrow cards.