Our Learning
The Christmas Story in RE!
Hawthorn class exploring money as part of the EEF's Mathematical Reasoning Trial.
22.01.25 - a lovely afternoon spent making clay flowers as part of our flower head project!
22.01.25 - Miss Blant reading ‘The only way is Badger’ for year 2
Looking at flower head Artwork!
3D Shapes in Aspen!
Making a prototype beach hut in DT!
Making Clay Roses in Art!
Sawing wood for our beach huts in DT
21.01.25 - Birch class finding and creating different patterns with shapes
20.01.25 - Birch class writing their coastal setting description
16.01.25 - Today we started out new DT topic, Beach huts! We spent some time labelling all the features of a beach hut
15.01.25 - year 2 love a Wednesday story time in the library.
09.01.25 - Today Birch class practiced drawing 2D shapes for the first time. They are fantastic!
08.01.25 - Birch class drew some beautiful flowers with a lot of fabulous colour
08.01.25 - Another lovely year 2 story time in the library!
Christmas Craft Morning!
An art workshop with Michelle Taube.
We carried out a science investigation in our Forest School area.
Reindeer Run!
The elves have arrived in year 2!
Column Method Addition in Aspen
Birch class spent the morning coming up with some fantastic mini sagas for our magical map competition! Well done everyone!
Year 2 gathered in the library to hear a story from Miss Blant
Hot Seating in English
Odd Socks Day! #anti-bullying #chooserespect
Aspen Class Exploring a Forrest Habitat in Science
Birch class exploring our forest school area to find different habitats for our first lesson of our new science topic - habitats.
Germ Experiment in Science
Times Tables Rock Stars Day!
Creating a Clay Print in Art
Tasty vegetable casserole.
We visited the school library and chose a reading for pleasure book to enjoy at home.
World Mental Health Day!
In DT, we followed instructions to make Eton Mess!
Primary and Secondary Colours!
In art this week Aspen class looked at the colour wheel and how we can use the three primary colours to create three secondary colours. The children worked hard to paint their colour wheel neatly and sensibly.
Reading Buddies!
Practical mathematics in year 2.
Aspen Class start their DT project!
Aspen class started their DT project ‘Remarkable Recipes’ where they were able to practice skills such as chopping, peeling, grating and much more. The children then used some of these skills to follow a recipe for an Eton Mess.