Rationale 2024-2025
Rationale 2023-2024
Meadows and Orchard class are designated bespoke teaching spaces within our mainstream primary school, that have been designed to meet the needs of our pupils, to ensure that they feel comfortable and safe in their environment. Through this bespoke provision we can deliver a personalised curriculum, specialist intervention and support children develop their self-regulation and resilience. At Woodland Community Primary School we have created a personalised and creative curriculum that is led by outcomes that will make a difference to some of our pupils.
Pupils at Woodland Community Primary School have learning difficulties which cover a wide range of needs, including moderate learning difficulties (MLD) and severe learning difficulties (SLD), where children are likely to need support in all areas of the curriculum. As such, pupils need a slower pace of learning to allow time for consolidation and ensure understanding. Therefore topic based subjects i.e. Science, Computing, PSHE and all foundation subjects in the Key Stage 1 and 2 Programmes of Study have been drawn out over the Years 1 to 6. Our curriculum in these rooms ensure breadth and balance is maintained for pupils whose cognitive level means their attainment throughout school is below and/or significantly below national age related expectations. Curriculum entitlement is maintained for all.
The Meadows and Orchard provision provides a nurturing environment with access to mainstream curriculum and peers who act as role models for social, communication and interaction. We provide enhanced facilities and a highly experienced team of staff who tailor the curriculum to meet the individual needs of all children. The differentiated curriculum ensures that our learners are developing the skills and knowledge requires to enable them to prepare them for an appreciation of life in modern Britain. The curriculum within these rooms ensure the children are learning in different ways including being: Experiential Learners, Exploratory Learners and Investigative Learners.
Our school Inclusion policy directs our adapted and differentiated curriculum in Orchard, which not only encompasses an age-appropriate and creative EYFS curriculum and a real, relevant and broad and balanced Key Stage One curriculum, but allows for a wide range of learning styles, abilities and individual needs; a sensory curriculum and ‘nurture’ curriculum deliver specialised programmes, strategies and interventions.
Meadows supports children to engage positively with learning, address historic and low prior attainment, gain resilience and other key skills, build confidence and trust with both adults and peers, tackle gaps in learning, develop strategies to cope with specific learning needs and build social skills and empathy. The pupils learn to value academic and vocational styles of learning, have opportunities to learn and participate outside of the classroom, take pride in their achievements and develop their cultural capital. Through the curriculum the pupils learn to value equality and diversity, care for the school environment and local community, know what is going on in the wider world and understand their place within it, build and maintain relationships with others and know how to look after their mental and physical health.
Each pupil follows an individual learning journey. EHCP and IEP targets are central to this learning journey. Throughout the year, we work closely with families to ensure all targets are inspirational and meaningful.
Formal assessment uses a range of Learning Journeys which encompass academic learning, social emotional and sensory development and a range of specialist interventions. Both formal and informal assessments is captured and evidenced in Evidence for Learning and may be recorded and celebrated.
Staffing in the provision is our Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion Lead) and SENDCo, two x Teaching Assistants Level 3 and four x Teaching Assistants (Level 1 or 2). Children are taught Mathematics and English and/or phonics in the morning, either in small groups or individually. Science and other foundation subjects are taught as discrete subjects weekly.
In the afternoons, pupils work on developing their skills in other areas of the national curriculum, such as PE, Design and Technology, Art and Design and STEM. Throughout the school day, the pupils are supported in developing their social skills and are taught self-regulation strategies to develop their own emotional responses to situations as they arise.
Pupils in the Orchard and Meadows are all part of their registration class and have opportunities throughout the day and week to join in with their class and peers, which is personalised in their learning journey, as and when appropriate. All pupils in Orchard and Meadows have an opportunity to access Forest School, play with their peers on the playground, as and when this is appropriate.