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PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 5 - Relationships

This puzzle piece is about making, maintain and promoting heathy relationships. This involves relationships within families and also within schools and our local community. It teaches us how to manage to our relationships, what safe relationships look like and how positive relationships can have a positive impact on our lives.


Have a look at our work!


PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 4 - Healthy Me

This puzzle piece is about health and well-being, both physically and mentally. Children will learn good practices for maintain a good level of health and wellbeing, what factors can affect it and how to over comes these.


Here are some of our Reception children learning about how sleep and relaxation is good for you physically and mentally!

PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 3 - Dreams and Goals

This puzzle piece is about goal setting and aims for the distant and ‘not-too-distant’ future. The puzzle invites children to reflect on their aims and how to achieve them, what might be a barrier to success & what they could do to over come it.

PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 2 - Celebrating Difference

This puzzle piece is about acknowledging and challenging stereotypes, being aware of differences between others and how these differences should be celebrated. This puzzle piece is about acknowledging and challenging stereotypes, being aware of differences between others and how these differences should be celebrated.

PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 1 - Being Me in the World.


Reception begun their PSHE Jigsaw journey by meeting Jigsaw Jenie. We sit in our PSHE Circle and got to know all about Jigsaw Jenie and how she is going to help us with our learning.


Child's Mental Health Week

18.03.22 Red Nose Day. Reception had great fun sending in jokes for the joke competition. We listened to the silly jokes that made us laugh. Crispus said "Why did the girl want to take the ladder to school? Because she wanted to go to high school!". Miss Stannard's favourite joke is "why did the banana go to hospital? Because it wasn't peeling very well!".

09.02.22 Week beginning Monday 9th February is Child Mental Health Week. We have had an assembly about the theme 'Growing Together'. We listened carefully and thought about our emotions and our goals. We dressed in green for the day on Friday to help us reflect on what 'growing' means to us. 


We went 'reaching for the stars' and thought about our goals and how they can help us grow.


" I want to help my mum with the washing up!" - Freddie.

" I want to move up a group at swimming!" - Tyler.