Rochdale Sleep Strategy
Sleep Tight Rochdale
Sleep Tight Rochdale provides specialist one-to-one sleep clinics for parents of children, aged 2years+ who may have social communication difficulties. Our sleep practitioners work with you to create a personalised sleep plan for your child so everyone can get a good night’s sleep. We’ve also got loads of information and advice on our website to support you and your family.
If you’re a parent or carer living in the Rochdale, Middleton, Heywood or Pennine districts, we are here to help you with your child’s sleep.
Take a look at our section below on how to book an appointment. Our clinics book up quickly so you may be invited to join our waiting list for an appointment.
Clinic appointments are being offered via video consultation (Zoom) or telephone. Please let us know your preference when requesting an appointment.
The easiest way to get in touch with the Sleep Tight Rochdale team is to fill in the enquiry form below
If for any reason you are unable to fill in our online enquiry form, please email
We have produced a free 45-minute webinar to help your family gain a better understanding of sleep and how you can support this. This webinar has been made possible due to the funding we have received from NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Locality)
If your child have social communication difficulties and struggles to sleep, book an appointment with our Rochdale Sleep Service
Sleep clinics run every fortnight. If there are no appointments available immediately, your name will be added to our waiting list and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Appointments will take place on the telephone or by zoom and will last an hour.
How to book
Book an appointment with our Rochdale Sleep Service on 0161 286 4201.
Safer Sleep for Babies
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of a baby where no cause is found. Sadly, around four babies a week still die from SIDS. Since 2017 in Rochdale, safe sleep has been identified as a key theme in two Serious Case Reviews and one Health Review. If everyone who cares for a baby knows about safer sleep advice many lives could be saved.
The advice should be followed for all sleep periods where possible, not just at night.
Things parents and carers can do:
- Keep baby smoke free during pregnancy and after birth
- Always place baby on their back to sleep
- The safest place for a baby to sleep is in their own sleep space. Place baby to sleep in a separate cot or Moses basket in the same room as baby’s carer for the first six months
- Use a firm, flat waterproof mattress in good condition
- Breastfeed baby, if possible
Things to avoid:
- Never leave a baby to sleep on a sofa or in an armchair (with or without another person)
- Avoid letting baby get too hot. (The ideal room temperature for a baby is between 16-20 degrees centigrade.)
- Avoid risk of baby’s face or head becoming covered while sleeping; do not use loose bedding
- Avoid pillows, cushions or beanbags
- Avoid placing cuddly toys in cot/moses basket
- Avoid sleeping in a car seat
More information for parents and carers:
The Lullaby Trust is a national charity that raises awareness of SIDS, provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families.
Safer sleep sleeping this winter
Safer sleep for babies: a guide for parents