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Woodland Community Primary School home page

SEND Advice Line

SEND Advice Line


The SEND Advice Line is an inclusive and confidential service in Rochdale, providing information and support to Parents, Carers, and Young People.

We work collaboratively with a range of SEND services in Rochdale, taking a multidisciplinary approach to achieve positive outcomes for Children and Young People aged 0-25 years. Our aim is to empower families, by offering early intervention and guidance, helping them to feel confident in promoting success, for their children's futures.


Meet the Team 

Rebecca Fitzgerald - Team Leader 

Lucy and Gemma - Advisor 


Front door to early information service for parents and carers 


Who to contact

Telephone - 0300 303 0380 

E-mail - SENDAdviceLine@Rochdale.Gov.UK

Availability: The advice line is open from 9.30am - 5pm Monday – Friday

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