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Spring 1

WC 06/02/2023


This week was children’s mental health week, this year’s theme is let’s connect and is designed to encourage children to consider the different ways that we can make meaningful connections with others. In Monday’s and Wednesday’s assemblies, the children discussed how we can connect with others and named some meaningful connections they had made. On Friday, the children were asked to dress to express and took part in some mindfulness and yoga.

WC 30/01/2023


This week, Birch Class have started their Art topic 'Flower Head'. So far, we have sketched flower heads and compared the similarities and differences of flower sculptures. We have focused on creating different shapes and forms, and how to create different textures with clay. 

WC 16/01/2023


On Friday all children took part in The Big Green Poetry Writing Competition. It has been a fantastic morning reading, writing and performing poems around the theme of climate change and conservation. We are entering all our poems into the competition and if children are successful, they will be published in a poetry book later this year.


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Still image for this video


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Still image for this video

WC 09/01/2023


This week in DT, we have started to create our own beach huts. First, we tried to create our own beach huts using paper. We learnt that if you fold paper, it will be come more sturdy and that building it in a triangular shape is more supportive. We discussed what material was best for our beach huts and decided that wood would be the best material because it is strong. In today’s lesson, we planned what our beach hut would look like, and measured 20cm pieces of wood and cut them using a saw and bench hooks. 

WC 2/1/2023


This week in our Geography lesson, we explored a range of maps and atlases. We found the names and locations of different seas and oceans around the world, including those that surround the UK. Then we looked at a map of the United Kingdom and clarified the names and locations of bodies of water that surround the UK.