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Spring 1

Looking After a Bog Baby

In our Literacy lessons we have been reading the story 'The Bog Baby' by Jeanne Willis. We have worked hard to think of adjectives to describe our Bog Baby and created character descriptions. 

This week we have been learning about instructions and what they are used for. We have thought about instructions that we could create, write and follow to look after a Bog Baby. 



If you would like to listen to the story at home, use the link below. 

The Bog Baby


As part of our project 'Stories and Rhymes' we have been singing 'Humpty, Dumpty Sat on a Wall'. Humpty Dumpty had written us a letter to as us to find different materials to save him from cracking when he falls off the wall. 

We drew our predictions before turning eggs into our own Humpty Dumpties! All of the children had the opportunity to test their predicted material to see if it could save Humpty Dumpty. 

Chinese New Year

In our project and R.E lessons we have been learning about the celebration of Chinese New Year. We found out how people celebrate the New Year and listened to the story of the race. 

We looked at Chinese New Year and discussed what happens for those who celebrate. We spoke about what is important and symbols.
“They wear new clothes,” Oscar
“Red is a colour of luck.” Kean
“The dragon monster got scared by the man.” Clover
“They have lanterns hung up.” Paisley
After discussing what happens and watching a short video, we opened a few fortune cookies.
We also shared our own celebrations throughout the year and compared these.
“I get presents and people come for my birthday.” Nevaeh
“At Easter we get chocolate.” Sophia
“We get presents and celebrate at Christmas with our family.” Lillie
“I get a cake for my birthday.” James

Spring Chicken!

In our music lessons, we have learnt a new song called “spring chicken!”.

The children showed really good listening and singing in our music lessons this week.

We also did lots of different songs like “heads, shoulders, knees and toes” and “5 little monkeys”

Spring Chicken

Still image for this video

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Still image for this video