Spring 1
Week commencing Monday 12th February 2024
As part of our Design Technology project, year 1 children thoroughly enjoyed designing and creating their own taxis. They used lots of different materials to make the car, the wheels and axels. We used boxes for our taxi and added our own materials on to make them unique. We had so much fun doing this!
Week Commencing 12th February 2024
As we enter the last week of our term we focused on rhyming strings within English. We generated various rhyming strings and then used these to write rhyming sentences all about London. In Mathematics we continued to focus on addition and subtraction within 20. We started our week by subtracting within 20 and ended our week by looking at the related facts within 20. In Design and Technology we made our taxi's. We were so excited to do this and had so much fun decorating these. We finished our week by learning about our famous figure Stephen Hawking.
Week Commencing Monday 5th February 2024
This week in English we began looking at alliteration. We had so much fun coming up with our own alliteration based upon animals that we love. We then created a poem that looked at animals in the sea, rainforest and desert. We used our knowledge of alliteration to make our poems sound more exciting. Many of us had lots of belly laughs during this and had so much fun being creative with our ideas. In Mathematics we continued with our topic on Addition and Subtraction within 20. We started our week by looking at our number bonds within 20 and used concrete resources of tens frames to support this. We then moved onto looking at subtraction within pictorial representations where we crossed out set amounts. In Art we began looking at collagraphy and used different materials to make weather motifs.
Week Commencing Monday 29th January 2024
This week has been another busy week with year 1 as we started our new Mathematics topic on addition and subtraction within 20. We started off our week by comparing numbers within 20, using different concrete resources to help work out the number sentences. We then moved onto adding ones using our number bonds. We have been focusing really hard on our number formation, specifically when writing our two digit numbers. In English we wrote a non-chronological report all about London. We looked at the different features within these and ensured that the facts we wrote about was informative, but most importantly the truth. We realised just how much knowledge we have surrounding London. In RE this week we had the opportunity to start to learn about Christanity. We looked at the word respect and what it means to us. We had lots of lovely ideas surrounding this and realised to how respectful our year 1 children are!
Week Commencing 22nd January 2024
This week in year 1 we have continued to focus on our core text ‘Katie in London’. We started our week by looking at postcards and what they are used for. We then wrote our own postcard as if we had been to London. Our teachers were blown away by some of the adjectives we used to describe the landmarks. In Mathematics we completed our topic on place value within 20. This week we looked at estimating and ordering numbers. We realised that estimating meant a good guess and soon became very good at estimating on a number line. To end the week we completed Design and Technology where we designed our London taxi’s. We are so excited to create these in a couple of weeks time!
On Friday year 1 were invited to a royal tea party as part of our Geography topic on Bright lights Big City. The children enjoyed making crowns, which they wore when tucking into scrumptious scones and beautiful biscuits! The children then decorated their very own union jack flag, which they waved proudly to the national anthem at the end of the day. The children loved taking part in their royal tea party afternoon and they learnt a lot about the royal family along the way.
Week Commencing Monday 15th January 2024
This week we entered our first full week back after the Christmas holidays and it has been a very busy one! We continued to focus on our core text ‘Katie in London’. We began our week by creating captions to describe each of the London landmarks and then moved onto creating speech bubbles, where we pretended that we were Katie and thought about the feelings that she might have about London. We realised that Katie could feel both excited, but also scared. In Mathematics we continued to look at place value within 20. We focused specifically on tens and ones within the numbers 10-20. We found this tricky at first, but by the end of the week many of us had become very successful within this. Within our Science we got the opportunity to go and explore trees outside. We were able to spot both evergreen and deciduous trees within our local area.
Week Commencing: Monday 8th January 2024
This week the children came back refreshed after the Christmas holidays. We started the week by looking at our new core text 'Katie in London' and predicted what we thought the book was about. Most children came up with the idea that Katie would meet the Queen. We then moved onto looking and labelling at a map of London. We were shocked to see how big London is! We ended our week by labelling the different landmarks in London and made sure that we included a capital letter for each one. In Mathematics we started our new topic on place value within 20. We used our prior knowledge of 10 to help us identify 11,12 and 13. We challenged ourselves by identifying the tens and ones within each of the numerals. In Geography we used our prior learning to identify the different countries within the United Kingdom. We challenged ourselves by looking at the capital city within each one. The children's knowledge of this really did blow us away!