Spring 1
WC: 12th February 2024
Year 5 have been working really hard to improve their writing. This week, we finished reading Farm Boy by Michael Morpurgo and wrote our narratives inspired by Farm Boy. We wrote setting descriptions, focusing on imagery, character descriptions where we used expanded noun phrases and relative clauses, and wrote our own dilemma and resolution, focusing on developing speech.
WC: 5th February 2024
In PHSE this week, we have been looking at dreams and goals. For this lesson we were planning events that could raise money for charities. We made our plans first, then made posters advertising our events. We are also going to make powerpoints to discuss our plans and share them with the class.

WC: 22nd January 2024
This week in UK Military School, Rowan Class had to use their teamwork skills to create a basic go-cart! The children had lots of fun building it and have shown excellent teamwork, great listening and determination!

WC: 15th January 2024
This term, children are learning about 'Lines, Shade and Shadow' in art lessons! This week, we practiced continuous line drawings. The children found it challenging to begin with but used their resilience to create some line drawings.