Spring 1
Week beginning 11th February 2022.
This week we have been learning about our emotions and fears. We discussed what 'The Thing' was scared of and how we could help him. We shared our own fears and what helps us. In Maths, we have been learning about time. We have measured time in simple ways, sequenced events within the day and sorted activities into day and night. We have also talked about love (in honour of Valentine's Day) and created cards for our loved ones.
Week beginning 7th February 2022.
This week we have been learning about thoughts and feels, linking with child's mental health week. We have been retelling our narrative Emily Brown and The Thing. We have been creating different faces to represent emotions in the creative area and drawing illustrations from our class text. In Maths we have been investigating length and height in different ways, which was lots of fun!
Week beginning 31st January 2022.
This week we have been learning about animals from the Arctic and Antarctic . We have been writing a fact file about polar bears and have made our own penguins in the Creative Area. In Maths we have been making and investigating numbers to 8.
Week beginning Monday 24th January 2022
In Maths this week we have been learning about capacity. We enjoyed measuring and mixing potions inside and outside. This also links to our English work because in our story Emily Brown helped the Thing find medicine for his cough.