Spring 1
In our Art lessons we have been exploring primary colours and learning how to make secondary colours. We now know that primary colours are blue, red and yellow and that secondary colours can be made from mixing primary colours together. Secondary colours are purple, green and orange. We had a great time exploring and mixing!
Colour mixing
Comparing numbers to 50
In our maths lessons we have been exploring numbers to 50. Today we have compared numbers to 50, saying if the numbers were greater than, less than or equal to, using the correct symbols.
This half term we have been focusing on our new text 'The Emperor's Egg' by Martin Jenkins. We have been looking at Antarctica and using adjectives to describe what it is like. We have also been looking at the life cycle of an Emperor penguin, in which we produced a short piece of independent writing, using time connectives to order our sentences. From the adjectives that we are using to describe Antarctica and the penguins, we will be learning about what poems are, why we write them and the different types of poems. We will then create our own such as a repetitive poem, acrostic poem and a rhyming poem. Our focus towards the end of the term will be writing a non-chronological report on Emperor penguins and what we have learnt from the text.
In Maths this half term we have been focusing on addition and subtraction (within 20) and place value (within 50). We have been continuing to use the concrete, pictorial and abstract approach to support our learning. The children have been looking at ways in which we can solve number sentences using a range of methods including, number lines, part whole models and practical resources such as base 10, tens frames and numicon. For the rest of the term, we will be looking at place value within 50, continuing to use base 10 to make numbers and part whole model. This will further support the children with their number formation and ordering of numbers.