Spring 2
WC: 25th March 2024
As part of our Eat The Seasons project in DT, we planned, designed and created our own soup. First we tasted different fruit and vegetables, then planned what soup we would make and then finally prepared and cooked our own soups! We practiced our cutting, peeling and slicing skills and had lots of fun!
WC: 18th March 2024
Year 5 took part in an art workshop with artist Michelle Taube! We practiced using paints to show tins, tones and shades before creating our own art piece inspired by art. We learned lots of new skills and had lots of fun!
WC: 26th February 2024
This week, children have been learning about fractions of amounts in Mathematics and how to find the whole of an amount using bar models. In PSHE, we have started our new topic about ‘Healthy Me’ where we had discussions about the effects of smoking. In Science, we looked at a variety of different life cycles.