Spring 2
Autism Acceptance Week
As part of our activities for Autism Acceptance Week we completed 6 dances in 60 minutes. The children showed their fantastic dance moves and had a great time!
Everyone was really impressed by all the children’s efforts to dress in 60’s clothes or 6 colours for our Autism Awareness day, well done everyone!
Parts of the Body
In our recent science lessons we have been working scientifically. This week we have been learning about the different parts of the body.
We split into groups and chose someone to draw around. Then we were set a challenge to see if our group could think of the most different body parts to label on our paper. We correctly remembered lots of different parts and our teachers were really impressed!
we sang heads, shoulders, knees and toes and played Simon says, which helped us to remember some body parts that we had missed- then we added these on too!

We have really enjoyed learning about capacity in our maths lessons. With the lovely weather, we have been able to take our learning outside and have fun with water!
We explored what the different vocabulary of full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty meant, by filling up our cups.
Later in the week, we used lots of different containers and found out how many cups of water it took to fill the different containers. Some only held 2, whereas some held 25!
At a Gambian market
In our current text ‘Grace and Family’, Grace visits The Gambia to see her Papa. Whilst she is there they go to a Gambian market. In our English lesson we acted out this part of the book where some children took on the role of the sellers at the market and some children were buying things. We had our own Gambian money too!
Old Toy Day!
Year One have had a super day to launch our question for this half term - 'How did our grandparents survive without the internet?'
We began our day dressing up like Victorian school children. Then we met Mr Murphy who showed us lots of old toys that Victorian children would have played with. We explored the toys, drew some old toys, created flags and did some scrap booking!
Later, we went into the hall to play with some more Victorian toys! We played quoits, bells, stilts, spinning tops, skittles, cup and ball, pick up sticks and many more games! We had so much fun!
Finally, we made our own cup and ball game using a cup, string and tin foil. We still found it really tricky to get the ball into the cup!
To finish our day we came together in the hall with our flags and sang the national anthem!
World Book Day!
The children in year 1 have had a fantastic day celebrating world book day today. Everyone has created their own book spine of their favourite book to add to Mrs Carlile’s display, we have created our own supertatoes and we have read and listened to lots of stories!
Thank you to all the parents and carers for the fantastic potatoes that have been brought into school too! We have been blown away by the children’s hard work!
Measuring using non-standard measures
This week in our maths lessons we have introduced measurement. The children have explored measuring the length of different objects in the classroom using cubes, paper clips and lolly sticks.

What would a herbivore, carnivore and omnivore eat?
This half term in our science lessons we will be 'working scientifically'. We will be using our investigative skills and having lots of fun with science!
We began this afternoon by learning about Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores. We discussed what these animals eat and discussed what they might have in their poo as a result of what they eat!
We then had our own 'poos' (playdough!) that we added different things to. We had a selection of bones (spaghetti), leaves, twigs and seeds (oats) that we could use to create a herbivores poo, a carnivores poo and an omnivores poo!
We had a great time!