Spring 2
Week beginning 4th April
On Thursday 7th April, we had some special (and mini) visitors! Our topic question this term is "are all mini beasts scary?" and today we got to experience this first hand. Zoo Lab's Chris brought in some real life mini beasts for us to hold. We learned lots of information!
" wow, they are so beautiful!" - Jasper
" They (scorpions) glow neon" - Jude
" Snails have lots of teeth!" - Elsie
"Mini beasts are friendly" - Heidi
Would you be as brave as us?!
Week beginning 28th March 2022.
This week, we have continued to read our class text, The Bog Baby. We have been writing about our creature - the Bog Baby. We recapped the features of a fact file and use them in our own fact file all about the Bob Baby. In Maths, we have been consolidating our knowledge on numbers to 10 and shapes. In Topic, we have been investigating the question " how did the ladybird get its spots?"
Week beginning 21st March 2022.
This week, we have continued to read our class text, The Bog Baby. We have been writing about what the bog baby's habitat. We made the bog baby habitat outside in the Outdoor Area. We learned to use imperative (bossy) verbs to make our own set of instructions. In Maths, we consolidated our learning on numbers to 10. We had fun building numbers and recognising quantities. In Topic, our question was 'why does a snail carry its shell around?'
Week beginning 14th March 2022.
This week, we have continued to read our class text, The Bog Baby. We have been writing about what the bog baby could get up to if he paid a visit to our school. We hunted for him, we read captions and edited some mistakes (because that's what good writers do). In Maths, we explored 3D shape and pattern. We had so much fun sliding and rolling 3D shapes, then printing with them to see what 2D shapes make up 3D shape. This week, it has been all about worms. We have talked about worms, looked for worms, written about worms and created some worm based crafts. Finally, we celebrated Red Nose Day for Comic Relief. What a busy week!
Week beginning 7th March 2022.
This week, we have continued to read our class text, The Bog Baby. We have used our imaginations to create our very own characters, which has helped us to write detailed descriptions. In Maths, we continued to look at the composition of the numbers 9 and 10. We also practised counting forwards and backwards from a given number. Topic has been great fun this week. We have been observing our caterpillars and learning about the life cycle of a butterfly. We can not wait to see the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly over the next few weeks.
Week beginning 28th February 2022.
Our first week back after the half term break and what a busy week we have had! In topic we have been investigating spiders and their webs. In English we have began to look at our new narrative - The Bog Baby, using our imaginations to think what he could look like and then describing his features when we looked at the illustrations. In Maths, we have been composing the numbers 9 and 10. On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day. We had lots of fun reading stories, dressing up and some of us even made character potatos.