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Summer 1

On Friday we celebrated the Kings Coronation. We learnt all about the history of the royal family and what we might expect to happen during the Coronation on Saturday. We had a fun day of making crowns, painting some flags and eating a delicious picnic. We finished up our day by playing some party games. We had so much fun! 

James Rizzi

This afternoon we have been studying the American Artist James Rizzi. We looked at a variety of pieces of his work and chose our favourites. We discussed what he had drawn, how he made them look funny by adding faces and the bright colours that he used. 

We then recreated our favourite pieces using oil pastels. 

Dear Diary...

This week in our English lessons we have written about the different activities that Whiffy Wilson did whilst he was at school. We wrote about what he liked doing the most and used adjectives to describe the way he felt at the beginning and the end of the story. 

We used this writing to write a diary entry from Whiffy Wilson, where we wrote in the first person, used a range of adjectives and conjunctions to make our diaries more interesting. 

Counting in 2's

In our Mathematics lessons this week we have been counting in multiples of 2's, 5's and 10's. 

In our lesson focusing on 2's we discussed different objects that are in pairs. Pairs of socks, pairs of gloves and pairs of shoes. 

We created 2 lines and looked at all of our pairs of shoes in our class. We practiced counting in 2's to count how many shoes there were altogether. 

We then practiced writing multiples of 2's on our whiteboards. 


Whiffy Wilson

Our new focus text this half term is 'Whiffy Wilson - The wolf who wouldn't go to school' by Caryl Hart. We began by looking at the characters and the settings in the story and using adjectives to describe them. 

We received a letter from Dotty, a character in the story telling us that she had lost her friend Whiffy Wilson when they were playing hide and seek in the park. She wanted our help to know if we had seen him and if we could create a lost poster for him. 

The children used their character and setting descriptions to create fantastic lost posters for Whiffy Wilson.