Summer 1
WC 22/05/2023
This term in science, we are learning about Animal Survival. This week, Year 2 explored micro-habitats and went to a micro-habitat within the school grounds… The Pond! We collected data about the micro-habitat including how many living and non-living things were there, what type of living things were there and compared it to other micro-habitats in the local area. We even got to see some tadpoles!

WC 10/05/2023
This week, we wrote letters to King Charles III to congratulate him on his coronation and also tell him what we did to celebrate. We will be sending these letters to Buckingham Palace at the end of the week. Fingers crossed we get a reply!

WC 03/05/2023
This week, we celebrated King Charles III’s Coronation by dressing up in red, white and blue and having picnics in our classrooms! We did lots of arts & crafts in the afternoon including creating our own crowns, collages and guards!