Summer 1
WB 15.05.2023
Following our visit to Alkrington Primary School last term, we invited them to Woodland to visit Maple Class on Tuesday. We were lucky enough to take part in two exciting workshops. We wrote a song with a song writer and we worked with clay and painted our masterpieces. Our creations will eventually be displayed in Touchstones Museum in Rochdale. This was the last time that we will meet our linking partners from Alkrington so we are going to try and do an online call at the end of the year!

WB 01.05.2023
On Friday, we celebrated King Charles III Coronation by coming to school dressed in red, white and blue or as Kings and Queens. Due to the weather, we enjoyed a picnic in our classrooms and carried out lots of royal themed activities.

WB 24.04.2023
This week, we carried out an experiment to investigate the way in which water is transported within the plants. We used sticks of celery as a ‘stem’ and left them sitting in a cup of water and food colouring. The next day, we cut the celery in half to discover that the blue food colouring was running through the celery in lines. We made links between this and how the stem of a plant transports water to other parts of the plant, in this same way.

WB 17.04.2023
This week, we have been exploring our new unit in Design and Technology called 'Making It Move'. We began by looking at different moving toys and talking about how they moved. Then we designed our own moving toys in groups. We had to think about how we wanted our toy to move and discuss what resources we would need for our moving toy to be successful. Then we began the exciting part where we worked as a team to create our very own moving toys! We will evaluate them next week.