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Summer 1

WB 20.05.2024

This term in Cherry Class, we have been busy completing our 'Greenhouses' DT Topic. We began by creating structures using jelly sweets to help us understand how to make a structure more secure and stronger. Then we investigated different sheet materials to find the best material for our greenhouse. We wanted the material to be transparent, strong and waterproof to allow a plant to grow. Next, we designed our greenhouse and then we followed this design plan to create our very own greenhouses - they look fabulous! Finally, we evaluated our greenhouses, thinking about what worked well and what improvements we could make. We had so much fun!

WB 13.05.2024


This week, Maple class paired up with their reading buddies in Holly Class. Maple class were very excited to visit year 1 and to read with the younger children. In partners, they read to each other and shared a book of their choice with each other. The children in Maple class were very kind to the younger children and helped them to read some of the words. 

WB 06.05.2024

This week, Cherry Class visited their partner class at Alkrington Primary School as part of Linking Schools. They started the day by playing some team building games and chatting to their partners in the playground. Then, we went inside and created our own fish to show how everyone is unique and special. We then had lunch together, played on the school field and took part in their daily mile which we found really fun! In the afternoon, we played some more team building games and took part in some games of dodgeball. We will miss out linking partners!


WB 29.04.2024

This week, Cherry Class began their DT Project named 'Greenhouses'.  We worked in pairs to work on strengthening frame structures. We connected the structure using wooden cocktail sticks and jelly sweets. To ensure our structures were secure we wobbled them from side to side.  If we thought our structure needed to be stronger we had to come up with ways to make it stronger. It was so much fun! This will help us ensure our own greenhouse are stable and strong. 

WB 22.04.2024

This week, the children in Maple welcomed their Linking School partners from Alkrington Primary School to Woodland. They enjoyed an exciting day full on activities based around the book “The Crown” by Emily Kapft. The children had an artist visit them who helped them to create shadow puppets out of recycled materials to learn ways of how to reuse materials to help our planet. In the afternoon, a professional dancer came to do a workshop on creative dancing which explored movement on how our plants grow. To end the day, we played a few team building games and said goodbye to our linking partners. 

WB 15.04.2024

This week, Cherry Class have talked about different roles and responsibilities our grownups have at home.  We thought of things like washing up, cleaning the car and cooking. We then looked at a variety of jobs adults do and talked about whether it mattered which gender did each job. Finally, we sorted through some roles and responsibilities around the home and again discussed if these were male jobs, female jobs or unisex jobs.  We confidently shared our thoughts and ideas with our partners.  We had a great collaborative discussion as a class and decided that every job is a unisex job.