Summer 1
WC: 20th May 2024
This week, the children created their own art pieces using the technique of marbling. In maths, we looked at word problems and did a ‘slow reveal’ where part of the question was missing and discussed and explored everything we could work out based on the information that was provided before finally answering the question!
Writing Persuasive Letters WC 06.05.2024

Athletics - Long Jump WC 06.05.2024

Mixed Media Art - WC 06.05.2024

Newspaper Reports: WC: 29.04.2024

Reading with Our Year 3 Buddies WC 29.04.2024

3D Modelling in Computing - WC: 29.04.2024

WC: 29th April 2024
This term, we have been focusing on shape, angles and position and direction. We have drawn and measured angles using protracts, read and plotted coordinates, and translated points and shapes on a grid.