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Summer 1

This week we began our new weekly library sessions. We enjoyed exploring the library and seeing all the amazing books we have available. We also got to enjoy a story time with the adults in our room using the books we had all chosen!

This week, the children started our new 'Muddy Meadows' sessions. We went to Tandle hill this week. The children enjoyed exploring the woodland and the stream. We even got to enjoy an ice pop in the sunshine!

This week in PE, the children have been exploring the climbing frame in the hall with Miss Birch. They all enjoyed being able to climb and slide on the equipment whilst making sure to keep safe and respectful. 

This week, we joined the children in the Meadows to make butterfly cakes. We had a great time measuring out our ingredients, checking our recipes and most of all decorating our cakes. The best part was definitely getting to eat them afterwards!

This week, the eggs in Reception hatched. We got to spend some time in there holding the baby chicks and discussing how we can help to look after them. The children had lots of amazing ideas about keeping them safe and also about using our quiet voices to protect their little ears. 

Today, we have been looking at primary and secondary colours. We have discussed which colours we can mix together to make other colours. To look at how this works, we have made handprints with our primary colours and overlapped them to see the secondary colours we make.