Summer 1
Writing and performing a descriptive poem
This week in our English lessons we have been writing our own poems. We have been collecting lots of fantastic adjectives to describe what we might find at a Gambian market.
We have structured our poems around the colours of the rainbow. We have ended our week by performing our poems to the rest of our class. We had to be confident and use our loud voices!
All the children did a super job and made all the adults really proud! Well done Year 1!
Making Fruit Kebabs
On Friday the children were really excited to make the fruit kebabs that they had designed in our Design and Technology lesson earlier in the week.
They selected the fruit that they needed and very carefully cut it before pushing it onto their skewer. The best part was eating all of the left over fruit from the middle of the table when our kebabs were finished!
I hope the children enjoyed eating their kebabs at home as much as they enjoyed making them!
In our Friday maths lesson our focus was doubles. We remember double to mean ‘do it again’. If we are doubling 5 we need to add another 5 to find our answer. We used cotton buds to add paint spots onto the ladybirds to find the double of numbers within 20. We really enjoyed this maths lesson!
Making Arrays
In our maths lesson this morning we have been making arrays. We have understood that an array shows us equal groups and shows us clearly using rows.
We used the cubes and the counters to create an array to represent an instruction that our teacher gave to us, e.g. show me 5 groups of 2. We knew that the groups were shown as rows and that 2 cues/counters had to be in each row.
Next we used our whiteboards to show the repeated addition sum.