Summer 2
Parent Showcase
We had the pleasure of showing our Year 6 parents and carers our wonderful classroom and all of the excellent work that we have produced recently in Year 6. Thank you to all that came!
Bees, Butterflies and Beetles
The children have been investigating and being creative with multi-media resources for their own piece of artwork. This session was to practice techniques and challenge with different materials, building up to our final piece of art for this project.
Britain at War
Orphism Art
Year 6 have been playing rounders this half term and practicing their batting, throwing, ground fielding, bowling, catching and running skills!
Year 6 have been examining primary sources from World War 2. We have been specifically looking at rationing books, coupon booklets and studying 'Dig for Victory' in which people had to create their own vegetable gardens to save coupons.