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Summer 2

Week beginning 11th July 2022.

This week, we have looked at writing our own letter to our new teacher Miss Powell. First, we looked carefully at the features of a letter so we knew how to structure our letter. We then started to put our ideas into sentences ready for our independent writing task. In Maths, we have been learning all about patterns through practical based activities using a range of objects. In Topic, we began to investigate the question " How have we changed?" We looked at a range of photographs on Taestry and shared our experiences of Woodland. In PE we also had our very first Sports Day, which was amazing fun! Our parents and carers also were really keen to take part. Thank you to everyone that attended. 

Week beginning 4th July 2022.

This week, we have looked at writing our journey through Reception, thinking about all of the fun activities and events that have happened across the year. In Maths, we have been learning all about sharing through practical based activities using a range of objects. In Topic, we looked at how ourselves and bodies change over time. We also got to have a little taster of what it will be like to be in Year 1 through our transition day. We are all very excited to be starting a new chapter of our lives at Woodland.

Week beginning 27th June 2022.

This week, we have looked at writing our own survival guided should we ever decide to go camping in the woods to find a Gruffalo. First, we looked carefully at a video of someone camping and developed a list of all the things we would need to take with us. We then started to put our ideas into sentences ready for our independent writing task. In Maths, we have been learning all about odd and even numbers through practical based activities using a range of objects. In Topic, we continued to investigate the question " How do we keep healthy?" We looked a range of activities we could do to stay fit and discussed those foods that would help us maintain a healthy and balance diet. In PE we also started to practise some of the activities we will be doing in Sports Day. We are all very excited!

Week beginning 20th June 2022.

This week, we have looked at creating our own creatures inspired by the Gruffalo. First, we looked carefully at the description of the Gruffalo so we could use these ideas to help develop our own creatures. We then designed our own creature to write about, carefully thinking about our use of vocabulary (adjectives). In Maths, we have been learning all about sharing equally and sdid lots of practical based activities using a range of objects. In Topic, we continued to investigate the question " What was it like in the past?" We looked back at ourselves at the start of the school year and made comparisons between things then (in the past) and now (in the present). We also looked at pictures of our teachers from when they were younger. It was great fun trying to guess who was in each photograph. 

Week beginning 13th June 2022.

This week, we continued to look at our class text, The Gruffalo by Julia Donalson. We then looked carefully at the Gruffalo so we could write a description of him. Throughout the week we thought about how we can use our letters and sounds to write key vocabulary taken from the text i.e. purple prickles.  In Maths, we have been learning all about doubling and sang some wonderful songs to help us remember our number facts. In Topic, we continued to investigate the question " What was it like in the past?" We all look at different pictures of everyday objects, making comparisons between things then (in the past) and now (in the present). We also had a look at what shops were like in the past and present. To end the week, we enjoyed some water activities to help us cool down from the warm weather.

Week beginning 6th June 2022.

This week, we looked at our brand new class text, The Gruffalo by Julia Donalson. We have been looking at the characters in the story and exploring their thoughts and feelings to produce some wonderful sentences. In Maths, we have been learning all about how we can use smaller shapes to combine into new ones. We have also continued to strengthen our knowledge of numbers to 5 through exploring number bonds. In Topic, we have been investigating the question " What was it like in the past?" We have started to look at different pictures of everyday objects, making comparisons between things then (in the past) and now (in the present). We have also looked at how to make pictures of ourselves look old through changing the colour.