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Summer 2

Week 2

We have had another super week in Year 1 this week. We are very excited for the end of the week where we will be going on our first trip of the year to Rochdale library! The children are very excited to travel on a coach too!

Design and Technology

In our Design and Technology lesson this week we have been learning about the different ways to prepare food. We had to tear, chop, slice, grate, peel and mash the different fruits and vegetables. All the children were really sensible and careful whilst using the equipment, well done Year 1!


In Geography this week we have been learning about maps. We have discussed the reasons that people might use maps and the different features we might see on a map. We then created our own maps and they look amazing!

Week 1

We have had a fantastic first week back in school after the half term, and cannot believe it is our last half term in Year 1! This year has gone so fast! 

All the children have tried really hard in their Phonics screening and have made all the year 1 staff really proud. 


In our Geography lessons this week we have been recapping what we have learned earlier in the year about the different continents of the world. We have extended our knowledge to name and locate the different oceans of the world. In pairs we used the globes to find different oceans and continents across the world. We found the United Kingdom and commented on how small it was compared to other countries across the world! 

Design and Technology

In our design and technology lesson this week we have been investigating different food sources. We learned that some foods come from plants and some come from animals. 

We looked at lots of different foods and sorted them into 'plants' and 'animals'. 

Art and Design

Our Art lessons this half term our focus is 'street view'. This week we have looked at the buildings around our school and their features. We created sketches of houses near our school and of our school. We then labelled the features of the buildings such as roof, bricks, chimney and windows. Have a look at our fabulous sketches! 


In our History lessons this week we have thought about how we change throughout our life from when we are a baby, to a toddler then to a child. We looked at photographs that we brought in from home and ordered them from baby to toddler to child. We looked at our teachers photographs too and ordered them from baby to adult.