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Woodland Community Primary School home page

Year 1

Summer 2 - Volleyball skills

During Summer 2, our children in Year 1 have been developing their Volleyball skills through a variety of throwing and catching skills. Well done Year 1!

Year 1 Athletics - Beech class

During Summer 1, Beech class participated in their Athletics lessons with Miss Wosser. The children learnt a variety of skills including: relay running and throwing and catching. Well done Beech class!

Holly & Oak - Athletics - Summer 1

During Summer 1, Children from Holly & Oak class participated in Athletics for their PE topic with Miss Birch. They explored a lot of different skills including: throwing & catching, relay running and team games. Well Done Year 1!

Year 1 - Dance - Spring 2

During Spring 2, our Year 1 children took part in Spanish Dance lessons as part of their PE topic with Miss Birch. We had lots of fun with the Spanish clothing and instruments, well done Year 1!