Year 4
Summer 1 - Relationships

Spring 2 - Healthy Me

Spring 1 - Dreams and Goals

Autumn 2 - Celebrating Differences

Autumn 1 - Being Me in The World

PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 5 - Relationships
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 4 - Healthy Me
This puzzle piece is about health and well-being, both physically and mentally. Children will learn good practices for maintain a good level of health and wellbeing, what factors can affect it and how to over comes these.
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 3 -Dreams and Goals
This puzzle piece is about goal setting and aims for the distant and ‘not-too-distant’ future. The puzzle invites children to reflect on their aims and how to achieve them, what might be a barrier to success & what they could do to over come it
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 2 -Celebrating Difference.
This puzzle piece is about acknowledging and challenging stereotypes, being aware of differences between others and how these differences should be celebrated.
PSHE Jigsaw Puzzle 1 - Being Me in the World.
During Year 4's first session, they met our class character, Jaz, and took part in group discussions about how they can be a team in their class. They created a class Diamond Nine of the key elements of teamwork.