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Year 6

Autumn: Maafa


In Autumn term, Year 6 have been studying project about Africa past and present and the development of the slave trade. They have explored Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora. This has been enriched by a visit to the International Slavery Museum in Liverpool which further enabled the children to understand the history and legacy of the transatlantic slave trade.

Here is just a small selection of work that the children have completed so far.




During the Spring Term, Year 6 completed Historical Flashbacks. The four questions were linked to the previous years learning, a previous topic, British History, and ordering significant events. Take a look at some examples below! 



This term, Year 6 have been learning about Britain at War. They have learned new vocabulary including allies, battle, persecution and rebellion; and started to look at the causes and consequences of WWI. 

Year 6: How did World War 2 affect the lives of different people?


In art this week, the children have incorporated their topic question into their artwork by sketching photographs of soldiers from World War 2. First, they practiced their sketching techniques before carefully attempting to replicate half of the soldier's face. This proved quite difficult and we soon realised just how skilled artists needed to be! Overall, there were some super attempts though. Here are a few.




Year 6: How did World War 2 affect the lives of different people?


As part of our topic question, Year 6 focused on the lives of children during the war and how in particular their lives were impacted. Our lines of enquiry were based on questions we generated during initial discussions such as:

  • Did children still go to school during the war?
  • Were children injured or killed?
  • Could teenagers fight in the war or did they have to evacuate too?


After conducting some independent research, we collated the information we found as a class and began planning and designing how to include this in a non-chronological report. Here are some of our pieces of work. We are really proud of how they have turned out and the effort and determination that has been put into creating them.


Non-chronological reports

Year 6: How did WW2 affect lives of different people?